Non-Voice-Centric Emergency Services

Document Information
Full name: 

Use Cases & Suggested Requirements for Non-Voice-Centric Emergency Services

Document type: 


Standard number: 


Document description: 

The Emergency Services community has a desire to have multimedia emergency services supported with the same general characteristics as emergency voice calls. As a result, there is a need to communicate with emergency services using mechanisms that are not primarily voice.

Non-Voice -Centric (NVC) Emergency Services are intended to support (human) end user to authority communication. NVC Emergency Services may support the following examples of non-verbal communications to an emergency services network:

  1. Text communication between end users and emergency services
  2. Multi-media (e.g., pictures, video clips) transfer to emergency services during a voice or NVC session with emergency services.
  3. Real-time video session with emergency services
  4. Text communication with supplementary media (such as background audio and/or video)

NVC Emergency Services as defined in this document focuses on Next Generation Network (NGN) technology and does not include legacy messaging services, such as Short Messaging Service (SMS) . In addition, NVC Emergency Services does not include support of calls from non-human initiated devices (e.g., fire alarms).

There will be significant impacts to the entire emergency services system resulting from the changes in networks and devices as described in this document. It is expected that end user devices and origination networks will ultimately evolve, and that the next generation emergency services solution will allow this evolution to take place over time. Many systems in the emergency services network must eventually change. New end-to-end messaging relationships must be established.

In addition to supporting the general public, this capability facilitates emergency communications by individuals with disabilities (e.g., persons who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability).






Committee Information
Committee Name(s): 

Technical – VoIP/Packet

Committee Name(s): 

Operations – VoIP


Next Generation Messaging Working Group

Committee type: 

Joint Tech/Ops

Document Dates


Document Size
Non-Voice-Centric Emergency Svcs.pdf 168.21 KB