Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF)

Document Information
Full name: 

Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF) Standard

Document type: 


Standard number: 

71-002 DRAFT

Document description: 

NOTE:  NENA 71-002, Version 1, is being worked by the NGDD CLDXF WG.

NENA Joint Data/Next Generation Integration Committees, Next Generation Data Development Working Group (NGDD), has created the Next Generation 9-1-1(?) (NG9-1-1(?)) Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF) Standard as one component of a larger suite of NG9-1-1 standards. The NG9-1-1 standards are intended to provide a common and mutually-understood means for PSAPs to exchange 9-1-1 call location information.

The NENA NG9-1-1 CLDXF standard supports the exchange of United States civic location address information about 9-1-1 calls, both within the US and internationally. The NENA NG9-1-1 CLDXF standard covers civic location addresses within the United States, including its outlying territories and possessions. The NENA NG9-1-1 CLDXF standard defines the data elements needed for address data exchange, and provides an XSD for implementing the standard. As a data exchange standard, the NENA NG9-1-1 CLDXF is not intended to support civic location address data management. It is assumed that address information will be transmitted call by call, as part of the call record, and that any local address data repository would be external to the call information. Therefore the standard does not provide for an address identifier, address metadata, or address data quality tests.

Concurrently with the NGDD WG’s development of the CLDXF, the Address Standard Working Group (ASWG) has been developing an address standard for the U.S. FGDC. The FGDC draft standard is intended to support address data management. The FGDC draft defines address data content, attributes, and metadata; address classes; address data quality tests; and an XSD for address data exchange. The Joint Data Technical/Next Generation Integration Committees, Next Generation Data Development Working Group, has worked closely with the Address Standard Working Group to prepare a profile of the NENA and FGDC draft standards that details the precise relationship between them. Pending formal adoption of the separate standards by NENA and FGDC, the profile will be included as an informative annex to both standards.


Committee Information
Committee Name(s): 

Technical – Data

Committee Name(s): 

Operations – Next Generation Integration – NGI

Committee type: 

Joint Tech/Ops