Future 9-1-1 Models

Document Information
Full name: 

Future 9-1-1 Models Technical Information Document

Document type: 


Standard number: 

07-501 v11

Document description: 

The purpose of this document is to develop models of 9-1-1 systems that will provide the features and functionalities that the public safety organizations need to do their job of responding to 9-1-1 calls. The models have been developed with a view to the future in that each model represents either a view of what currently exists or what is expected to exist at a predefined point in the future.

The scope of this document is limited to which a function or feature meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Provides information about the person or source of the 9-1-1 call.

  • Provides the caller’s location.

  • Identifies the emergency, including allowing for interfaces to receive that emergency data from specific systems.

  • Provides the telecommunicator with information on what and how to dispatch.

  • Describes equipment performance features.

These models do not represent component design, but provide the framework within which the other NENA committees can design and develop recommendations and standards.

Committee Information
Committee Name(s): 

Technical – Non-Traditional

Committee type: 


Document Dates




Document Size
Future 9-1-1 Models.pdf 96.72 KB