Roundtable Summaries


The NG E9-1-1 Program has adopted a Roundtable approach to the work being accomplished this year.  Three Roundtable areas – Technical, Operations/Education, and Policy – are meeting three times each this year. 

The first set of roundtables was held in March.  Summary write-ups of each roundtable may be downloaded at the following links:

The second set of roundtables was held in June in conjunction with NENA’s Annual Conference in Long Beach, California.  Summary write-ups of each roundtable may be downloaded at the following links:

The third set of roundtables was held in October. The Operations and Technical Roundtables met in Schaumburg, IL at the Motorola Headquarters and the Policy Roundtable met in Washington, DC.  Summary write-ups of each roundtable may be downloaded at the following links: