May 2001 Minutes

Meeting Minutes – Michigan NENA     May 23, 2001     Grand Rapids  MI

Meeting was called to order by President Michael Sexton at 5:30 PM; at the annual 911 Conference held in Grand Rapids, at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel.  68 were present.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved on a motion by McClure, supported by Todd.

Andy Goldberger provided a treasurer’s report in his absence. This report was dated May 10, 2001.  The chapter also received the letter of annual audit from Bradley M. Whaley, CPA.  No discrepancies noted.

                General Checking Account:                               $ 4,482.62

                Conference Checking Account:                         34,116.39

                Certificates of Deposit:                                       10,264.31

                TOTAL BALANCES ON HAND                     $48,863.32

The proposed amendment to the chapter bylaws was discussed.  This would add a section to article on committees and formalize the appointment to Michigan ETSC.  Formal notice has been made to the membership as required in the constitution and bylaws. Motion by McClure, supported by Hensel to adopt.  MCU.

Plans are tentatively set for the 2002 Annual 911 Conference at the Amway Grand Plaza, May 19 – 23.

The Chapter Board of Directors recommended that a full scholarship for Linda Cwiek to attend National NENA be granted in light of the MSP restriction on out of state travel.

President Sexton gave an overview of the upcoming National elections. 

Meeting was concluded and adjourned at 5:50 PM.  The next meeting will be held in Midland County at the Homer Training Facility on July 11, 2001 at 10:00 AM.  A wireless database course will be part of the meeting and lunch will be included.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Currier, ENP

Michigan Chapter Secretary