Silent or Hang-Up 9-1-1 Calls

Document Information
Full name: 

Silent or Hang-Up 9-1-1 Calls for Service

Document type: 


Standard number: 


Document description: 

This Operations-Focused Study is published by the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) as a guide and fact-finding tool to 9-1-1 agency administrators, communications center managers and supervisors, and public and private sector designers and manufacturers of public safety answering point (PSAP)(?) technology solutions used for the purpose of processing emergency (E/9-1-1) calls for service.

It is not intended to provide an exhaustive procedural guideline or “how-to” outline. Rather, the purpose of the study is to offer general guidance and key “consideration points” to agency PSAP managers, administrators, and the full range of public safety users (managers, supervisors, communications personnel, and first responders).

If the study’s findings and recommendations are approved, NENA will refer this study to the appropriate 9-1-1 Center Operations Committee for the purpose of developing a model recommendation/procedural standard based on these and other findings, as well as conformity with standards promulgated by various agencies (oversight and advisory), utilization of advances in the state-of-the-technical-art or to reflect changes in design and capabilities of PSAP equipment.

It is possible that certain advances in technology, for example, will precede revisions of this document. Therefore, this Operations Study should not be the only source of information by E9-1-1 administrators, communication center managers and supervisors in constructing an appropriate model procedure for their respective agencies. NENA members are encouraged to develop procedures complimentary to their community’s values and expectations, and reflective of the service and safety standards of their agency.

By using this issue-focused document, the user agrees that the National Emergency Number Association will have no liability for any consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damage that may result.

Finally, this document has been prepared solely for the voluntary use of E9-1-1 service providers, E9-1-1 equipment vendors, manufacturers of public safety command and control applications, and other interested parties.

Committee Information
Committee Name(s): 

Operations – Standard Operating Procedures

Committee type: 


Document Dates


Attachment Size
Silent or Hang-Up 9-1-1 Calls 216.5 KB